2:28 PM The Pests World: 2016

Thursday 3 March 2016

Just a Rat in a Cage

Rats and mice may look alike, but this rodent can be identified as a rat by its smaller ears. A mouse has larger, floppy ears. A rat also has a more blunt snout, verses a mouse’s triangular nose. 

3 Places Rodents May Be Living in Your Home

Do you hear strange scratching sounds at night, unexplained thumps upstairs, or does food left out on the kitchen counter appear nibbled? You're probably not haunted by a ghost, but a more mundane pest. Rodents can make their homes in a variety of places in human houses. If you suspect you have a critter problem, check these common locations.

In the Kitchen

Rats and mice move into human dwellings not only for room but board as well. These creatures are excellent climbers and can clamber up on countertops and inside walls. Look for nests of shredded paper and other fibers in concealed places such as the backs of unused cupboards.

Up in the Attic

Black roof rats prefer lofty locations such as attics. Squirrels and other wild rodents may also invade attics and rooftop eaves looking for the shelter afforded by insulation and hollows in wooden beams.

Down in the Cellar

The common brown rat lives underground in the wild, and likes it down below in houses as well, often found basements and sewage systems. Cracks in the foundation offer entrances and places to nest.

If you find signs of rodent activity in these places or anywhere else inside, call in pest control before the problem becomes serious. Follow this link to find out more about rodent control in Lumberton.

Stop Zika Mosquitos in Your Yard With the Help of a Pest Control Company

Cases of the Zika virus, which has been linked to birth defects in the fetuses of pregnant women, have occurred within the borders of the United States, and the mosquitos which carry the disease along with many other infections exist across most of the country. To lower the risks to you and your family, a pest control company can work with you to rid your property of mosquitos.

Eliminate Development Sites

Mosquitos need vessels of water to breed. By examining your yard, experts can identify the areas where the insects can propagate, such as:

  • Flooded crawlspaces
  • Clogged gutters
  • Rain-collecting debris.

Taking care of these kinds of sites will reduce the mosquito population breeding near your house.

Protect the House

To avoid mosquito bites inside, a house's egresses to the insects must be blocked off with screens, caulking and other methods.

Chemical Control

A pest control company may use chemicals on a limited basis to take care of the problem. These can include insecticides to kill the adult mosquitos, along with growth regulators applied to water sources, to prevent the insect eggs and nymphs from developing into adults.

By eradicating breeding sites, protecting the house and using anti-insect chemicals, a pest control company can rid your yard of potential Zika-carrying mosquitos.  See this link to learn more about mosquito control in Fayetteville.

Spencer Pest Brings Christmas Magic to Rally Kids

Sheri Spencer and her team at Spencer Pest Services chose the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research to bring the true meaning of Christmas to 10 families, each with a family member fighting cancer… read more

Does Your House Have a Termite Problem?

Though an individual termite is only a tiny insect, colonies of these wood-eating bugs can wreak havoc on a house. Pest management experts estimate that termites do some $5 billion in property damage annually. By recognizing the effects termites can have on the wood in your home, you can identify possible infestations before extensive repair work is required.

Hollowed-out Wood

While termites themselves are usually hidden underground or within walls, their effects can be observed on the wood they eat. Knock on wood to check for hollow spaces where termites may have tunneled. In addition to the beams in your house, also examine any wood piles or pieces in your backyard or basement.

Cracks and Fissures

As a piece of wood gets eaten from the inside out, it may start to crack or fissure. Any unexpected cracks should be checked. Dried mud or soil within cracks is another indicator of termite activity.

Buckling and Collapse

Termite destruction at some stages can resemble water damage, causing floors and ceilings to swell and windowsills and other boards to buckle. Wood riddled with too many termite tunnels may eventually crumble or completely collapse.

If the wood in your house appears possibly affected by termites, call in pest control experts to determine the extent of the problem. See this link for more about termite removal in Pinehurst.

Keeping Bugs out of Your Business

It’s hard to keep a client seated and attentive when your office is infested with ants. Since waiting to see if the unwelcome bugs or rodents will vacate on their own isn’t a realistic option, bringing in pest control is your best bet. The right company will be able to understand the problem and offer both short-term and long-term fixes.

What’s Your Pest?

There won’t always be telltale droppings or markings around your property that identify what animal or insect has moved in. An expert will know different creatures’ preferred habitats and how to go about finding them. Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can determine the next step.

How to Exterminate

Ideally, your problem can be solved without tenting and poisoning your office. There are a handful of steps that should come first:

  • Sanitation
  • Monitoring
  • Trapping

If none of these techniques solves the problem you might have to turn to a chemical solution, but that should be the last resort if at all possible. Many pest situations can be solved in a way that’s healthy and more humane.

If your commercial building has any sort of infestation, you can’t afford to let the problem go unaddressed. To learn more about solving your problems with commercial pest control in Pinehurst, visit this website.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

How To Know You Have a Roach Problem

In addition to being a bit creepy looking and gross, roaches in your home are a cause for concern because of a number of diseases they are capable of carrying. Here are some ways to tell if you have a roach problem so that you can get the problem taken care of early.


Fecal droppings can be found if the infestation is large enough. They may not be completely noticeable at first, as they are small and may look like pepper or ground coffee. It is important to note where you see the droppings so that they are easier to target later.

Egg Casings

Another sign is egg casings, containing many eggs. Even one casing means you have a small infestation. They will have a long rounded shape and be brownish in color.


An oily or musky smell may be an indicator of roaches, and if you have enough roaches to smell bad, you have a bad infestation, as it usually takes a large number to produce a smell.

Dead Roaches

Dead roaches are a pretty easy giveaway. Check under sinks, in cabinets and anywhere else where there could be traces of food.

Upon finding any of these signs of roaches, do not hesitate to find a company that handles roach control in Mountain View -

Saturday 20 February 2016

Why You Should Consider Humane Removal of Wild Animals

As a homeowner, it’s pretty likely that at some point you will be forced to deal with a wild animal intruding into your domain. Some smaller animals are easily removed and displaced through the use of humane traps. Larger unwanted guests, however, warrant the assistance of a trained and experienced professional to execute a humane removal.

Raccoons and opossums may be cute, but there is really no such thing as healthy cohabitation with them. They will eventually wreak havoc if sharing an abode with humans. These animals can cause a surprising amount of structural damage. Stronger than you think and very determined, they can easily tear holes into roofs and weak point of walls if they decide your attic or crawlspace looks like a suitable home. Aside from the near-constant nighttime noises your family will face if these nocturnal animals move in, there are countless diseases and disruptions that can arise from the presence of only a few critters. They may be cute, but they are very sloppy and destructive houseguests.

Unfortunately, most people don’t have a good handle on just how strong wild animals can be, or how capable they are of inflicting injury. Because of this, it is inadvisable for the untrained person to set a humane trap. Once an animal is caught in a live trap, it still needs to be carefully removed to a safe environment far away from your home. The traps, equipment and removal vehicles all require specialized devices that will protect both the animal and the human from harm and disease.

You probably know that raccoons, foxes and other local wildlife can carry rabies. This is a very serious disease that can be deadly to you, your family and your pets. A professional wildlife removal service will have the training and expertise to spot signs of infection. Aside from rabies,diseases such as roundworm, giardia and leptospirosisare commonly spread through the droppings left behind. A qualified individual can locate any leftover excrement and assist you in its safe removal.

Keep your family and pets safe from disease, and your home safe from chewed up cables and insulation. As soon as you think you may have a furry visitor, call a pest control specialist to allow you and the animal to go on with your lives in peace. To learn more about humane animal trapping in Raleigh and to speak to a professional, click this link.

Bed Bug Facts

Bed bugs have become a common problem throughout homes and businesses across the country. The insect can be tricky to remove and their bites are a painful, itchy nuisance. When bed bugs bite, then it’s time to call the professionals. 

The Benefits of Removing Roof Rats

Roof rats are common pests that get their name from their tendency to nest in high places. These rats can be identified by their dark fur and small, sleek forms. If you see these rats on your property or evidence of their nests, it is beneficial to have them removed for a number of reasons.

The Risk of Flea Infestation Is Reduced

Roof rats carry fleas that can quickly infest your home. These insects feed on humans as well as animals if given the opportunity. Removing roof rats will also lower the risk of a flea infestation, which is extremely difficult to eradicate.

Your Home Will Not Suffer Further Damage

Not only do roof rats hoard food and leave droppings in your attic, they also cause other types of damage around your home. Roof rats can damage:

·         Insulation and wooden beams in your attic due to chewing
·         Power lines and cables
·         Gardens and trees (especially citrus trees)

Removing roof rats sooner than later will mean less money spent on repairing the damage they cause.

Pets Will Be Safer

While your dog or cat may catch and kill roof rats, this is a dangerous practice. Rat bites can cause serious bleeding and transmit disease to your pet, and rats nesting in trees or in piles of wood can become extremely aggressive when defending young. Removing the rats will create a safer outer environment for your pet.

Removing roof rats from your home protects it and your family. However, because these pests can be dangerous, it is best that they are removed by a professional. To find out more about roof rat removal in Garner, visit this website

EPA Releases Preliminary Risk Assessment for Imidacloprid

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said a preliminary pollinator risk assessment for the insecticide imidacloprid shows the chemical can threaten bees… read more

5 Ways Bed Bugs Harm Your Health

Much like fleas, ticks and mosquitos, bed bugs are pesky insects that feed on blood. However, the presence of these bugs can have long-term effects on your health. In fact, there are five ways that bed bugs can harm your physical, emotional and mental health.

1. Skin Rash

Bed bug bites can cause rashes and blistering. Those who are more sensitive to the bug’s saliva may experience intense itching that causes rashes to spread. Deep blisters may lead to permanent scars.

2. Infection

The intense itching that bed bug bites cause often results in constant scratching. When skin is damaged by scratching, this may lead to infection. Infections caused by scratching can be especially dangerous to the elderly and children.

3. Anxiety

Bed bug infestations can have a negative effect on your emotional health. Ongoing bed bug problems can cause the onset of anxiety due to:

  • Fear of continued or increased infestation
  • Social stigma
  • Worrying about your family’s safety

Once you develop anxiety over a bed bug infestation, symptoms may linger for months and affect your personal and business relationships.

4. Sleep Depravation

Because bed bugs are more active at night, their biting may keep you awake. Over time, a loss of sleep may begin to affect your daily routine. In some cases, insomnia may lead to depression and a weakened immune system.

5. Allergic Reaction

If any of your family members suffer from allergies, bed bugs can make them worse. Bug excrement and dead bug carcasses can become airborne and cause an increase in allergy symptoms. Infants are especially at risk.

Dealing with bed bugs can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. However, there are effective ways to eradicate them. Visit this website to learn more about professional bed bug treatment in Garner.

How to Rid Your Home of Spiders

It’s not easy to relax when you see a spider running across your bedroom ceiling or worse yet, you see one dangling above your head. To help keep these scary, eight-legged visitors from getting inside your home, follow these tips.

1. Clear Outside Debris

Spiders like to hang out in dark places like woodpiles, mounds of grass clippings and empty boxes. If you have to keep these kinds of things around, try to keep them on the very outside perimeter of your home. Another way to discourage spiders from lurking is to keep the weeds cleared around the exterior of your home.

2. Remove the Webs

Use a vacuum cleaner or broom to remove spider webs both on the inside and outside of your home. Doing so will dissuade the spider who built the web from returning.

3. Seal the Cracks in Walls

Spiders can sneak into homes through openings and cracks in the walls. It’s a good idea to seal these spaces with silicone caulk. Add door sweeps to exterior doors to further block entry points.

When all else fails, call in the professionals. They can free your home of pesky spiders and restore your comfort and peace of mind. For insect removal in Raleigh, please visit the website.

Terminix Releases List of Top 15 Bed Bug Cities

Terminix released its sixth annual ranking of bed bug-infested cities. For the first time in four years, Philadelphia was outranked by Detroit, which stole the top spot… read more

3 Signs You Have Squirrels Living in Your Home

Squirrels are common visitors to urban areas and backyards everywhere. However, when squirrel populations increase, they may find a way to get into your home. Here are several signs that squirrels have taken up residence in your home.

Squirrels Using Power Lines as Highways

When squirrels have gained entrance to your attic, you may see them using your power lines as freeways and as a means to carry food back to their new nest. Loose or damaged lines may be visible as well. Seeing squirrels on power lines more often than in your trees may mean they are already in your home.

Seeing an Increase in the Population

If you start seeing squirrels on your roof, in the trees, and a gathering of them in the backyard where there used to only be one or two, this is a sign that they might be breeding in your attic’s insulation. Other signs include:

  • Scratching or scurrying on the roof, as this may be signs of squirrels fighting for new territory
  • Chewed bird feeders
  • Scattered seed and acorn hulls around the perimeter of your home

Most squirrels are active during the daytime, so you should try and monitor how and where they move around in the morning and afternoon.

Damaged Insulation

If you inspect your attic and find chewed or shredded insulation, then a squirrel infestation is more than likely. In this case, the next step would be to call a professional to confirm their presence and to have them removed humanely. If you need more information about squirrel relocation in Cary, visit this website.

Three Ways to Spot a Wasp Infestation

Wasp infestations can be difficult to detect because a wasp nest can be built into almost any tiny cavity, which keeps it hidden from sight. Here are a few ways, however, that will help you to identify a wasp problem.

1. Traffic Pattern

Do you see wasps coming and going?  A good indication of a nest is the regularity with which the wasps enter and exit the property.

2. Flying In and Out of Crevices

A sure sign that a hive is present is seeing wasps fly in and out of the gaps and cracks in your roof area. The only reason they have to enter these kinds of openings is to reach the hive.

3. Gathering in Great Numbers

When large numbers of wasps gather around trash or food, this is likely a sign of an infestation. The hive is probably nearby due to the high number of wasps that swarm the food.

An increased number of wasps around your home, indicates that they have traveled from a nearby nest. The closer they are to the hive, the denser their presence will be. Don’t follow the swarm to the hive, and don’t try to remove it yourself. For safe and proper wasp removal in Cary, please visit the website.

Thursday 28 January 2016

The Importance of Exterminating Cockroaches in Your Living Space

Mention a cockroach, and many people will shudder. For some, it is just the idea of any creepy-crawly thing in their home or on their skin; for others, it is the notion that cockroaches are filthy things that spread illness wherever they go. Here is the truth about cockroaches and why you should eliminate them from your home.

Cockroaches carry disease. These unusual creatures can survive by eating almost anything, including paper, hair and feces. However, they will also eat any people food that is left out. Just imagine what kinds of disgusting things are left behind when a cockroach crawls across your food after being who knows where. The bacteria and viruses that are spread by roaches can easily cause illness in humans.

Cockroaches smell bad. They give off an unmistakable musky odor, which you will likely only notice when there is a large colony of them in your house. You may notice the smell concentrated in one area, such as under a sink or beneath large appliances.

Some people are allergic to cockroaches. If you find that you are allergic, you should definitely take steps to exterminate these pests and then have your home thoroughly cleaned. Cockroach allergies are a lot like dust mite allergies, and symptoms may worsen when dust is stirred up. This type of allergy has also been linked to asthma.

Bodily invasion is not unheard of. Cockroaches have been known to crawl into the ears of people who are in a deep sleep, causing painful earaches and usually necessitating a trip to the emergency room. Cockroaches like being in small spaces, and they usually do their exploring at night, so it makes sense that they sometimes crawl into ear canals. However, keeping your home completely free of cockroaches ensures that this will not happen to you.

Infestation may be a sign of a general lack of cleanliness. Roaches live in warm, moist, dark, undisturbed places and feed on organic material. They make themselves at home in dirty houses, where they find plenty to eat and lots of places to hide. If you live in an apartment, an invasion of these insects may be a result of migration from another home in your building. To ensure complete removal, the entire building must be treated, and all of the homes must be kept clean and tidy.

Because they are dirty, disease-carrying, nuisance-causing pests, cockroaches do not belong in your home and must be professionally exterminated. Visit this website to find out more about roach removal in Pinehurst.

A Better Mouse Trap

The best way to get the mouse out of the house, is to not let it in in the first place! A dropped bit of food that ends up under an appliance is an engraved banquet invitation for a rodent. 

Why Soil Treatment Is Important for Your Garden and Pest Problem

Growing your own food or ornamental plants is fun and rewarding. Whether you do it mostly to enjoy the fruits of your labors or more as a therapeutic activity, gardening is a beneficial pastime. Many things can throw off a gardener’s crop, including weather, soil problems and pests.

The local weather pattern is something that you cannot change, but you may be able to work with it. For example, you may be able to protect fragile seedlings from a late frost or irrigate with municipal water during a moderate drought. Soil problems can be corrected over time with the addition of various elements and some hard labor.

To deal with pests, you may be able to use a physical deterrent, such as a powder, a spray or a good old-fashioned fence. However, many types of pests live in the garden soil and may lie dormant for years or even decades. There are several things you can do to fight off soil-borne pathogens and pests:

  • Keep weeds under control. A number of soil-borne organisms thrive on decaying plant matter, so removing weeds should be a priority, especially in between your usual crop cycles.
  • Test your soil. Some soil-borne problems are too small to be noticed during a visual inspection.
  • Treat the area. Direct treatment of the soil is the best way to fight these pests.

Soil-borne pathogens can be difficult to eradicate on your own. To learn more about professional soil treatment in Fayetteville, visit this website.

California Couple Posts Video of Bed Bugs in NYC Hotel Room

In a six-minute video that has gone viral, Elgin Ozlen of Long Beach, Calif., flips over the mattress at the Astor on the Park hotel to reveal black clusters of scurrying bugs… read more

Wednesday 27 January 2016

What to Do If Your Car Is Infested With Rodents

When the weather turns cold, mice and rats search for warm places to live. Frequently, they make nests in houses or other buildings, but sometimes they set up housekeeping inside a vehicle. Once there, mice may chew through wires, air filters, and any other paper or cardboard component they find. In addition to damaging your vehicle in this way, rodents may pose a health risk to you by leaving contaminated droppings all over the place.

If you believe that your car has been infested, take steps to remove the rodents right away. Because the animals’ droppings pose a significant health hazard, it is important to deal with the issue quickly and thoroughly. Snap traps are a good approach because they usually kill the mouse or rat instantly, eliminating the possibility of more droppings or of the animal biting you when you try to remove it. When dealing with rodents or their excrement, always wear disposable gloves and clean up with a bleach solution.

To prevent rats or mice from taking up residence in your vehicle, remember the following tips:

  • Avoid parking on tall grass or in wooded areas.
  • Remove all foods and food residue from the interior of your vehicle.
  • Try placing well-known repellents, such as moth balls, cedar or peppermint oil inside the vehicle, especially if it will be parked or stored for an extended period of time.

A rodent infestation should always be taken seriously and dealt with immediately. For more information about rodent proofing in Lumberton, visit this website.