2:28 PM The Pests World: March 2016

Thursday 3 March 2016

Just a Rat in a Cage

Rats and mice may look alike, but this rodent can be identified as a rat by its smaller ears. A mouse has larger, floppy ears. A rat also has a more blunt snout, verses a mouse’s triangular nose. 

3 Places Rodents May Be Living in Your Home

Do you hear strange scratching sounds at night, unexplained thumps upstairs, or does food left out on the kitchen counter appear nibbled? You're probably not haunted by a ghost, but a more mundane pest. Rodents can make their homes in a variety of places in human houses. If you suspect you have a critter problem, check these common locations.

In the Kitchen

Rats and mice move into human dwellings not only for room but board as well. These creatures are excellent climbers and can clamber up on countertops and inside walls. Look for nests of shredded paper and other fibers in concealed places such as the backs of unused cupboards.

Up in the Attic

Black roof rats prefer lofty locations such as attics. Squirrels and other wild rodents may also invade attics and rooftop eaves looking for the shelter afforded by insulation and hollows in wooden beams.

Down in the Cellar

The common brown rat lives underground in the wild, and likes it down below in houses as well, often found basements and sewage systems. Cracks in the foundation offer entrances and places to nest.

If you find signs of rodent activity in these places or anywhere else inside, call in pest control before the problem becomes serious. Follow this link to find out more about rodent control in Lumberton.

Stop Zika Mosquitos in Your Yard With the Help of a Pest Control Company

Cases of the Zika virus, which has been linked to birth defects in the fetuses of pregnant women, have occurred within the borders of the United States, and the mosquitos which carry the disease along with many other infections exist across most of the country. To lower the risks to you and your family, a pest control company can work with you to rid your property of mosquitos.

Eliminate Development Sites

Mosquitos need vessels of water to breed. By examining your yard, experts can identify the areas where the insects can propagate, such as:

  • Flooded crawlspaces
  • Clogged gutters
  • Rain-collecting debris.

Taking care of these kinds of sites will reduce the mosquito population breeding near your house.

Protect the House

To avoid mosquito bites inside, a house's egresses to the insects must be blocked off with screens, caulking and other methods.

Chemical Control

A pest control company may use chemicals on a limited basis to take care of the problem. These can include insecticides to kill the adult mosquitos, along with growth regulators applied to water sources, to prevent the insect eggs and nymphs from developing into adults.

By eradicating breeding sites, protecting the house and using anti-insect chemicals, a pest control company can rid your yard of potential Zika-carrying mosquitos.  See this link to learn more about mosquito control in Fayetteville.

Spencer Pest Brings Christmas Magic to Rally Kids

Sheri Spencer and her team at Spencer Pest Services chose the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research to bring the true meaning of Christmas to 10 families, each with a family member fighting cancer… read more

Does Your House Have a Termite Problem?

Though an individual termite is only a tiny insect, colonies of these wood-eating bugs can wreak havoc on a house. Pest management experts estimate that termites do some $5 billion in property damage annually. By recognizing the effects termites can have on the wood in your home, you can identify possible infestations before extensive repair work is required.

Hollowed-out Wood

While termites themselves are usually hidden underground or within walls, their effects can be observed on the wood they eat. Knock on wood to check for hollow spaces where termites may have tunneled. In addition to the beams in your house, also examine any wood piles or pieces in your backyard or basement.

Cracks and Fissures

As a piece of wood gets eaten from the inside out, it may start to crack or fissure. Any unexpected cracks should be checked. Dried mud or soil within cracks is another indicator of termite activity.

Buckling and Collapse

Termite destruction at some stages can resemble water damage, causing floors and ceilings to swell and windowsills and other boards to buckle. Wood riddled with too many termite tunnels may eventually crumble or completely collapse.

If the wood in your house appears possibly affected by termites, call in pest control experts to determine the extent of the problem. See this link for more about termite removal in Pinehurst.

Keeping Bugs out of Your Business

It’s hard to keep a client seated and attentive when your office is infested with ants. Since waiting to see if the unwelcome bugs or rodents will vacate on their own isn’t a realistic option, bringing in pest control is your best bet. The right company will be able to understand the problem and offer both short-term and long-term fixes.

What’s Your Pest?

There won’t always be telltale droppings or markings around your property that identify what animal or insect has moved in. An expert will know different creatures’ preferred habitats and how to go about finding them. Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can determine the next step.

How to Exterminate

Ideally, your problem can be solved without tenting and poisoning your office. There are a handful of steps that should come first:

  • Sanitation
  • Monitoring
  • Trapping

If none of these techniques solves the problem you might have to turn to a chemical solution, but that should be the last resort if at all possible. Many pest situations can be solved in a way that’s healthy and more humane.

If your commercial building has any sort of infestation, you can’t afford to let the problem go unaddressed. To learn more about solving your problems with commercial pest control in Pinehurst, visit this website.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

How To Know You Have a Roach Problem

In addition to being a bit creepy looking and gross, roaches in your home are a cause for concern because of a number of diseases they are capable of carrying. Here are some ways to tell if you have a roach problem so that you can get the problem taken care of early.


Fecal droppings can be found if the infestation is large enough. They may not be completely noticeable at first, as they are small and may look like pepper or ground coffee. It is important to note where you see the droppings so that they are easier to target later.

Egg Casings

Another sign is egg casings, containing many eggs. Even one casing means you have a small infestation. They will have a long rounded shape and be brownish in color.


An oily or musky smell may be an indicator of roaches, and if you have enough roaches to smell bad, you have a bad infestation, as it usually takes a large number to produce a smell.

Dead Roaches

Dead roaches are a pretty easy giveaway. Check under sinks, in cabinets and anywhere else where there could be traces of food.

Upon finding any of these signs of roaches, do not hesitate to find a company that handles roach control in Mountain View -