2:28 PM The Pests World: January 2016

Thursday 28 January 2016

The Importance of Exterminating Cockroaches in Your Living Space

Mention a cockroach, and many people will shudder. For some, it is just the idea of any creepy-crawly thing in their home or on their skin; for others, it is the notion that cockroaches are filthy things that spread illness wherever they go. Here is the truth about cockroaches and why you should eliminate them from your home.

Cockroaches carry disease. These unusual creatures can survive by eating almost anything, including paper, hair and feces. However, they will also eat any people food that is left out. Just imagine what kinds of disgusting things are left behind when a cockroach crawls across your food after being who knows where. The bacteria and viruses that are spread by roaches can easily cause illness in humans.

Cockroaches smell bad. They give off an unmistakable musky odor, which you will likely only notice when there is a large colony of them in your house. You may notice the smell concentrated in one area, such as under a sink or beneath large appliances.

Some people are allergic to cockroaches. If you find that you are allergic, you should definitely take steps to exterminate these pests and then have your home thoroughly cleaned. Cockroach allergies are a lot like dust mite allergies, and symptoms may worsen when dust is stirred up. This type of allergy has also been linked to asthma.

Bodily invasion is not unheard of. Cockroaches have been known to crawl into the ears of people who are in a deep sleep, causing painful earaches and usually necessitating a trip to the emergency room. Cockroaches like being in small spaces, and they usually do their exploring at night, so it makes sense that they sometimes crawl into ear canals. However, keeping your home completely free of cockroaches ensures that this will not happen to you.

Infestation may be a sign of a general lack of cleanliness. Roaches live in warm, moist, dark, undisturbed places and feed on organic material. They make themselves at home in dirty houses, where they find plenty to eat and lots of places to hide. If you live in an apartment, an invasion of these insects may be a result of migration from another home in your building. To ensure complete removal, the entire building must be treated, and all of the homes must be kept clean and tidy.

Because they are dirty, disease-carrying, nuisance-causing pests, cockroaches do not belong in your home and must be professionally exterminated. Visit this website to find out more about roach removal in Pinehurst.

A Better Mouse Trap

The best way to get the mouse out of the house, is to not let it in in the first place! A dropped bit of food that ends up under an appliance is an engraved banquet invitation for a rodent. 

Why Soil Treatment Is Important for Your Garden and Pest Problem

Growing your own food or ornamental plants is fun and rewarding. Whether you do it mostly to enjoy the fruits of your labors or more as a therapeutic activity, gardening is a beneficial pastime. Many things can throw off a gardener’s crop, including weather, soil problems and pests.

The local weather pattern is something that you cannot change, but you may be able to work with it. For example, you may be able to protect fragile seedlings from a late frost or irrigate with municipal water during a moderate drought. Soil problems can be corrected over time with the addition of various elements and some hard labor.

To deal with pests, you may be able to use a physical deterrent, such as a powder, a spray or a good old-fashioned fence. However, many types of pests live in the garden soil and may lie dormant for years or even decades. There are several things you can do to fight off soil-borne pathogens and pests:

  • Keep weeds under control. A number of soil-borne organisms thrive on decaying plant matter, so removing weeds should be a priority, especially in between your usual crop cycles.
  • Test your soil. Some soil-borne problems are too small to be noticed during a visual inspection.
  • Treat the area. Direct treatment of the soil is the best way to fight these pests.

Soil-borne pathogens can be difficult to eradicate on your own. To learn more about professional soil treatment in Fayetteville, visit this website.

California Couple Posts Video of Bed Bugs in NYC Hotel Room

In a six-minute video that has gone viral, Elgin Ozlen of Long Beach, Calif., flips over the mattress at the Astor on the Park hotel to reveal black clusters of scurrying bugs… read more

Wednesday 27 January 2016

What to Do If Your Car Is Infested With Rodents

When the weather turns cold, mice and rats search for warm places to live. Frequently, they make nests in houses or other buildings, but sometimes they set up housekeeping inside a vehicle. Once there, mice may chew through wires, air filters, and any other paper or cardboard component they find. In addition to damaging your vehicle in this way, rodents may pose a health risk to you by leaving contaminated droppings all over the place.

If you believe that your car has been infested, take steps to remove the rodents right away. Because the animals’ droppings pose a significant health hazard, it is important to deal with the issue quickly and thoroughly. Snap traps are a good approach because they usually kill the mouse or rat instantly, eliminating the possibility of more droppings or of the animal biting you when you try to remove it. When dealing with rodents or their excrement, always wear disposable gloves and clean up with a bleach solution.

To prevent rats or mice from taking up residence in your vehicle, remember the following tips:

  • Avoid parking on tall grass or in wooded areas.
  • Remove all foods and food residue from the interior of your vehicle.
  • Try placing well-known repellents, such as moth balls, cedar or peppermint oil inside the vehicle, especially if it will be parked or stored for an extended period of time.

A rodent infestation should always be taken seriously and dealt with immediately. For more information about rodent proofing in Lumberton, visit this website.

Ways to Keep Your Home Cleaner After a Mold Problem Has Been Cleaned

Mold in a house can cause respiratory problems, foul smells and unsightly stains. Usually, overgrowth of mold is the result of some type of water damage, so it is important to address the source of the problem before getting rid of existing mold. Because of the nature of mold and the way its spores spread through the air, you will probably need a mold remediation professional to do most of the work for you. You may need to have drywall and other elements of your home repaired or replaced. There are several things you can do after the problem has been removed to prevent it from coming back:

  • Clean all surfaces and items inside your home. Non-porous objects can be scrubbed with dish soap and water. Other surfaces may need to be bleached or treated with another mold-specific cleaner.

  • Use a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filter technology. This type of filter prevents mold spores from being blasted back into the air every time you vacuum.

  • Keep the house dry. In very humid climates, you may want to purchase a dehumidifier to keep indoor moisture at bay. At the very least, use exhaust fans in bathrooms, kitchens and other areas that tend to be damp.

Mold is no fun, and can be hazardous to your health. To find out more about mold prevention in Pinehurst, visit this website.

Certain Mosquitoes More Likely to Lay Eggs in Water Sources Near Flowers

Researchers from the USDA and the University of Florida studied the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) and its egg-laying preferences… read more

How to Prevent Getting the West Nile Virus

West Nile virus is not usually fatal. In fact, many people who contract the disease never realize they have it. On the other hand, severe cases can occasionally lead to inflammation of the protective membranes surrounding the spinal cord and brain and may result in death. The best-known means of contracting West Nile virus is being bitten by a common mosquito. Therefore, the best way to protect yourself against the virus is by minimizing your exposure to mosquito bites by taking the following precautions:

  • Get rid of standing water around your home. Pools of stagnant water are prime breeding grounds for mosquitos, so be sure that water is not collecting anywhere around your house. Empty birdbaths, buckets, kiddie pools, pets’ water bowls and other containers regularly.

  • Wear protective clothing. Long sleeves, long pants and shirts with collars provide a physical barrier against mosquito bites. However, the insects are able to bite through sheer materials.

  • Use a bug spray containing DEET. Apply the spray on exposed skin as well as over clothing. Do not spray mosquito repellent directly onto your face; instead, spray a small amount onto your hands and then use your hands to apply it to your face.

West Nile virus is not something you should ignore, and it is not the only disease carried by mosquitos. Visit this website to learn more about West Nile prevention in Fayetteville.